Kudos is an occasional column that recognizes Dartmouth faculty, students, and staff who have received awards or other honors. Did you or a colleague recently receive an award or honor? Please tell us about it: dartmouth.news@dartmouth.edu.
Carlos Cortez Minchillo, an assistant professor of Spanish and Portuguese, was awarded the Casa de las Américas Prize in Brazilian literature for his book Erico Veríssimo, Escritor do Mundo: Circulação Literária, Cosmopolitismo e Relações Interamericanas, which explores the life and work of one of Brazil’s most important writers. The prize, founded in 1959 by the Cuba-based Casa des las Américas and extended to Brazilian authors writing in Portuguese in 1978, is one of the most prestigious literary awards in Latin America.
Peter Winkler, the William Morrill Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, and Michael Barany, a postdoctoral fellow in the Society of Fellows, have had scientific papers selected for inclusion in the annual anthology The 2018 Best Writing on Mathematics, published by Princeton University Press. Winkler’s paper, “The Sleeping Beauty Controversy,” first appeared in the August/September 2017 issue of The American Mathematical Monthly. Barany’s paper, “The World War II Origins of Mathematics Awareness,” was published in the April 2017 issue of Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
Technoecologies, a solo exhibition by Assistant Professor of Studio Art Zenovia Toloudi, opened this month in the Storrs Gallery at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. The exhibition “reconceives the relationship between humans and their environment in architecture through prototypes and models that explore emerging forms of bioarchitecture, living systems, and evolving environments,” according to the university’s press release.
Six members of the faculty have received inaugural New Directions in Humanities Scholarship and Arts Practice grants to pursue projects outside of their primary fields of expertise. The grants, administered by the Office of the Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities, with funding from the Office of the President, are designed help faculty in the arts and humanities to push the boundaries of their disciplines and follow their intellectual curiosity. “A sense of risk is implicit to this undertaking,” the call for proposals said. The awardees:
- Assistant Professor of Religion Zahra Ayubi, to study feminist philosophy of religion and Muslim biomedical ethics—two subspecialties that will expand her expertise as a scholar of gender in the Islamic intellectual tradition.
- Associate Professor of Spanish Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones, to study Italian—a language essential for his current project, which explores how Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci’s cultural and political thought was received in Spain.
- Associate Professor of Studio Art Enrico Riley, to expand his artistic practice to digital modes, including animation, large-scale projection, and film for a collaboration with composer Jonathan Berger and Associate Professor of English Vievee Francis titled “Death by Drowning.”
- Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies Jeffrey Ruoff, a documentary filmmaker and film historian, will use the grant to apprentice with New Hampshire Public Radio’s Word of Mouth, with the goal of learning about producing nonfiction radio documentaries.
- Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing Nirvana Tanouki, to learn linguistic pragmatics—the study of how context contributes to meaning; and specifically, scalar implicature—how some statements can imply meaning that is not explicitly stated. This work will inform her current research on how readers who lack cultural context make sense of translated literature.
- Assistant Professor of Music Spencer Topel, to embed himself with a leading architectural firm. The project will allow him to develop collaborative studies on structure, space, and sound, and help him learn architectural techniques that will inform his production of large-scale sound installations.